Setting up activities for time tracking

Looking for help with this feature in Polaris PSA or Polaris PPM? Check out Setting up activities for time tracking in the Polaris help.

Activities are functions against which the user can enter time. Hours entered against activities can be viewed in reports, so you can use activities to track time spent on non-billable work functions.

Activities can be used either alone or in conjunction with projects and tasks. That is, you can allow a user to enter time against both an activity and a task.

Using activities in combination with projects and tasks

In systems that track time against projects, activities can be used for functions that are common to multiple projects.

For example, if a company carries out budgetting, design, and testing for all internal projects, they could choose to make each of these functions an activity. These activities would be available for each project, without project managers having to create a task for each, under each project.

Adding an activity

Use the procedure below to add a single activity to Replicon. Or, if you have a lot of activities to add, you can use the Replicon Import Add-in (RIA) to import activities using a spreadsheet.

To add an activity:

  1. Go to Administration > Timesheets > Activities.
  2. Click Add Activity.
  3. Give the activity a name and, optionally, a code and description.
  4. Click Save.

Then, you can assign the activity to users via the Timesheets tab of user profiles, one user at a time or using mass edit.

Be sure to enable activities in the user's timesheet template, or activities won’t display in their timesheet.

By default, all activities are paid at the user's regular rate. However, you may be able to associate an activity with a different pay code by entering the pay code in the activity's Code field.

Please contact your Customer Success manager or Replicon Support if you have questions about how activities work with pay codes.


How do I make selection of an activity mandatory on timesheets?

Refer to How do I make activity selection mandatory? for more information.

Related links

How do I make activity selection mandatory?
How Replicon timesheets work
Time tracking setup checklist
Setting up timesheets (video)
Deleting and regenerating a timesheet