Configurable timesheet template options

When adding a timesheet template using the Configurable format, you’ll need to choose which options are available to users when they enter their time. Once the template is created, you can assign it to users in their user profile.

Why don’t my timesheet template changes appear in the timesheet?
Changes you make to a timesheet template are only reflected in timesheets that are generated after you make the change. If you need a change to apply to an existing timesheet, you’ll need to delete and regenerate it.

Choosing whether the timesheet is pre-filled

To pre-fill the timesheet with data, select an option in the Auto Fill Timesheet With field. These options are also available on the user's timesheet.

For more information, see Choosing how timesheets are pre-filled.

Setting the timesheet permissions

In the Timesheet Owner Permissions section, choose what actions the user can take on the timesheet. These permissions apply to the timesheet as a whole, regardless of what components it includes.

For information on each permission, see Additional Configurable timesheet template options.

Choosing the timesheet components

Each template can include a number of components. Add components based on how you want users to enter time and what additional data you want to show on their timesheets. Each component can be further customized by editing its options.

To add a component:

  1. Click + Add a UI Component to view the available components.
  2. Select a component to add it to the template.
  3. Repeat to add additional components.
  4. Where applicable, customize each component’s settings to meet your requirements.

Time entry components

These components determine how the user records time in the timesheet – either by entering durations in a grid, by entering in and out times in a timesheet, or by capturing existing time punches.

Component name

This component...

Time Distribution Grid

Allows the user to enter time as durations (eg 7.5 hrs).

Includes options for entering time against projects, activities, or custom fields. Shows any time off booked for that timesheet period.

Can also be used in conjunction with one of the other time entry components for time allocation.

In/Out Times

Allows the user to record their hours by entering the times they start and stop working (eg 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.).

Includes options for entering time against breaks.

In/Out Times + Allocation

Allows the user to enter the times they start and stop working (eg 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.).

Similar to the In/Out Times component but includes additional options for entering time against projects, activities, or custom fields.

The In/Out Times + Allocation component is not fully supported on the Replicon Mobile app for Android.

Time Punches

Displays the user’s time punches on their timesheet. Time punches should be included on a timesheet if:

  • Pay data is calculated from the punches
  • The punch data needs to go through an approval process
  • The time needs to be allocated to projects or activities

The user must be assigned a punch entry policy before they can record punches. All punch entries added via the web, mobile, or CloudClock apps automatically display in the timesheet.

From within the timesheet, users can also manually add or edit punches, if allowed in their punch entry policy.

Other components

These options determine what other information or options display on the user’s timesheet.

Component name

This component...


Displays a custom message on the timesheet, with a check box for the user to accept the message. You specify the title and text of the message.

For example, you could include an attestation stating that the data entered is accurate, to the best of the user’s knowledge.

To ensure the check box is checked before the user submits the timesheet, add the Attestation Acceptance Required workflow condition in the template.

Billing Summary

Displays a table outlining the billable hours entered against each client, project, task, billing rate, and amount; you can choose which fields display.

This feature is primarily aimed at project managers when approving timesheets, so they can quickly gauge how much the timesheet will contribute to client invoice amounts.

Daily Fields

Allows the user to record custom data for each day on the timesheet using 'new'-type custom fields. For example, a user could record how many calls they made each day.

The row of fields will display underneath the timesheet.

You can add a value to the Custom Name field, and that value will appear as a title above the row.


Displays a custom message on the timesheet. You specify the title and text of the message.

For example, you could include a message stating the date and time when timesheets are due.

Payroll Summary

Displays a table outlining the hours against each pay code and, optionally, the pay amounts and totals. The calculations are based on the timesheet owner’s pay rule and their hourly payroll rate.


Displays the timesheet owner’s shift schedule on the timesheet page

The Schedule component is not currently supported on the Replicon Mobile app. However, users can view their schedules via the Schedule section of the app.

Target Billable Hours

Displays a bar graph at the top of the timesheet, showing actual billable hours worked as a fraction and percentage of the billable target set for that user, for that month.

You can also include a bar showing the progress toward targets for:

  • The entire company
  • The user's department
  • Any groups the user belongs to

These options let the user compare their progress to others', while preventing them from viewing confidential details about individual performance.

Time Entry Details

Displays a table of comments and cell-level custom field data entered in the timesheet. The table only displays if comments have been entered.

This component makes it easier for approvers to review cell-level timesheet data, especially from Time Distribution Grid timesheets, since they don't have to hover over each cell to view it.

Comments are entered and edited using time entry components.

Time Off Bookings

Allows the user to book time off from the timesheet and view any existing bookings that overlap with the timesheet period.

The user needs to be assigned a time off template before they’ll have this functionality in their timesheet.

The Time Off Bookings component is not currently supported on the Replicon Mobile app. However, users can view their time off bookings via the Time Off section of the app.

Time Off In Lieu

Calculates time off granted in lieu of overtime. Depending on the time off in lieu settings, the user may be able to choose how many hours are converted to time off.

This component is required for the user to receive time off in lieu of overtime. Without it, the time off will not be granted – the user will be paid overtime instead.

Timesheet Fields

Adds one or more 'new'-type custom fields to the timesheet that applies to the entire timesheet (that is, not to a particular row or cell of the timesheet).

For example, you could add a timesheet custom field where employees can record the # of calls they made that week.

The fields will display underneath the timesheet. You can add a value to the Custom Name field, and that value will appear as a title above the field or fields.

Timesheet History

From this section, you can enable one or both of the following to display at the bottom of user timesheets:

Approval History

Shows a history of the submission and approval actions performed on the timesheet, including the name of the user who took the action.

Modification History

If other users, such as managers and payroll managers, have made changes to a user’s timesheet, this section will shows who made changes, what changes were made, and how the changes were made (i.e. manually, or via mass move). This can help users understand why their timesheet might have changed since they last looked at it. If they need more details on the change, they can refer to the Timesheet Audit Trail report.

  • Why don’t change times match times given in the Timesheet Audit Trail report?
    The times of changes made close together may be grouped, so they may not exactly match the times given in that report.
  • What changes does the Modification History show?
    This table will show all types of changes shown in the Timesheet Audit Trail report.
  • Do changes the user made display in the Modification History table?
    No, this table doesn’t show changes made by the timesheet owner, unless the owner changed their own timesheet using the mass move time utility.
  • Why can't I see the Modification History when I approve timesheets?
    This component does not display for approvers with a partial view of timesheet data (i.e. project managers, client approvers, and some conditional approvers). You can still view modifications to the timesheet using the Timesheet Audit Trail report.

Choosing validations

Validations specify the requirements the timesheet must meet. The timesheet is regularly checked against the validation requirements and an error or warning is shown, depending on the validation. Replicon has several validations available by default.

To add a validation, click + Validation and select an option from the list. Repeat to add additional validations.

If you want the validation to be enforced, add a workflow condition to prevent submission. Without a workflow condition, the user will see an error on the timesheet but will still be able to submit.

Assigning workflow conditions

Workflow conditions determine when users can submit their timesheet. The default workflow conditions are explained below.

Workflow condition

This condition...

Attestation Acceptance Required

Prevents the user from submitting their timesheet unless the check box in the Attestation component is checked

Errors prevent submission

Prevents the user from submitting the timesheet if there are any validation errors. Validation checks either produce warnings or errors, depending on how the validation rule is configured.

No early submission

Prevents the user from submitting the timesheet before the last day of the timesheet period

Prevent changes to invoiced timesheets

Prevents timesheets from being reopened and edited if there are invoices using their data.

If an invoiced timesheet is reopened and edited, the deltas that are created will become available as new billing items you can include on invoices.

Restrict Reopening Approved Timesheets

Blocks supervisors from reopening approved timesheets. This is useful if a supervisor approve timesheets belonging to users they don’t supervise (therefore they need Edit Timesheet permission enabled, which allows them to reopen timesheets), but they should not be able to reopen timesheets that are approved.

Warnings prevent submission

Prevents the user from submitting the timesheet if there are any validation warnings. Validations checks either produce warnings or errors, depending on how the validation rule is configured.

To add a workflow condition, click + Workflow Condition and select an option from the list. Repeat to add additional conditions.

The workflow conditions are not applied when a billing, payroll, or cost manager bypasses regular approvals to approve an unsubmitted timesheet.


Why is a component not appearing on the user’s timesheet?

Components are only displayed when there is data to display in them. For example, if the Payroll Summary component has been added but there is no payroll data for that timesheet, the summary won’t be shown. Once payroll data is available, the summary will appear.

Related links

Additional configurable timesheet template options
Setting up timesheet templates
How Replicon timesheets work
Time tracking setup checklist
Setting up timesheets (video)